September 16, 2012

Top Killing Heroes

Sometimes you are in the mood of killing heroes, maybe boring of playing some kind of farming carry, support. You might ask what is the best hero to choose. And, you might think a Phantom Assasin and a Bloodseeker will do the best. Well, these are our top killing heroes list:

Top Killing Heroes

#1 Rikimaru

There is only one catch for this, avoid picking this hero when your enemy has a counter hero like Slardar and Gondar. This is a super strong hero in pub because lesser people bought gem in pub. Rikimaru can go one on one with any hero with smoke screen (silence and 70% attack miss). Most people will think diffusal is the best for him, but in my opinion, Sange & Yasha will do better. It's situational, though.

Recommended killing items: Treads, Poor Man 's Shield, Sange & Yasha, Butterfly, BKB, Abyssal

#2 Viper

Viper? Well, not many people would think viper deserve the top killing heroes list. Viper has a pretty decent skills. Viper has a high poison magical damage as well as Nethertoxin physical damage. Corrosive skin makes viper survivability higher with 25% magical resistance and 25% slow for the opponent who hits him.

Recommended killing items: Treads/Phase Boots, Manta, BKB/Linken, Butterfly, Heart of Tarrasque, MKB

#3 Ursa Warrior

Ursa is a good hero at killing hero super fast if you don't let him down earlier, and it's easy to understand why he can easily kill heroes with all his stacking skills. He can also kill Roshan at significantly early level, most will do it around the 10th minute. The only way to counter him is to follow the pro rules. Always stick with team, have wards, have disablers and make a teamfight. Ursa is not really good at teamfight unless he has been fed earlier in the game.

Recommended killing items: Phase Boots, Vlads, Dagger, Abyssal, Tarrasque, Butterfly

#4 Huskar

Huskar is a really strong hero to counter carries. He can just use Life Break to reach his enemy and with Berserker's Blood, you will die if you 1v1 with him. He is also strong with BKB, so don't let him kill people when he starts level 6. Well, although Huskar is one of the top killing heroes, he is the easiest to die as he is weak to burst magical damage, as well as he doesn't do much when he is full HP. His damage is at the highest when he losses HP.

Recommended killing items: Treads, Helm of Dominator, BKB, Armlet, Daedalus

#5 Bloodseeker

Bloodseeker will be the most powerful when there is a low health enemy heroes, and can regain health by killing enemies and creeps. If the enemies are not at low health, he can use his Rupture to damage enemy based on the distance travel, and hit the enemy until the enemy becomes weak.

Recommended killing items: Treads/Phase Boots, Radiance, BKB, Butterfly, MKB

Updated: Sept 16, 2012


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