September 20, 2012

Why Anti-Mage is Unstoppable When Farmed?

Why you can't let Anti-Mage farm? Mana break is a pain and blink can be used to chase and escape. But, what's more? Well, Anti-Mage has the lowest Base Attack Time (BAT) which is 1.45 in Dota 2. Almost all heroes have a BAT of 1.7. The lower the BAT, the faster the hero attack.

Attack per second is calculated by using this formula:

Attack per Second = (Increase Attack Speed + 1) / Base Attack Time.
Attack Rate = (IAS + 1)/BAT

From the formula given, lower amount of BAT will have increase attack per second, and the more you put items on a lower BAT hero, the higher the hero attack per second.

So, why you can't let Anti-Mage farm? Let's calculate attack per second by using heroes that farm almost the same item and heroes that has high attack speed.

At Level 16, without item

Anti-Mage - 1.14 attack per second
Rikimaru - 1.05 attack per second
Morphling - 1.03 attack per second
Phantom Assasin - 1.01 attack per second

Now, let's put treads (agility), manta and butterfly on each on of them, at level 16

Anti-Mage - 2.07 attack per second
Rikimaru - 1.84 attack per second
Morphling - 1.83 attack per second
Phantom Assasin - 1.80 attack per second

Worth mentioning - Morphling with all strength converted to agility will have 2.13 attack per second, 0.05 more than Anti-Mage but super fragile.

In map 6.72, IceFrog made Anti-Mage's BAT 1.35 which cause him to be banned and picked in all games. At level 16, with item mentioned above, he will have 2.22 attack per second! That's why his BAT was changed to 1.45 back in 6.73 but he is still a strong pick.

Other heroes that has BAT lower than 1.7 will be post in the next post.


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